Big Trouble in Little Tokyo

Another fun night @Little Tokyo Happy Hour in Los Angeles. Nothing’s better than having a drink with new and old friends on hump day. How do we know? All the booths were unmanned!

Check LaurenLuvs Jewelry out if you want to score some brownie points with the old lady.

The most popular guy of the night. Maybe cause he was giving away free sake samples?

Always a classic! Neoclassics!

You wouldn’t find mom’s kitchen bowls here! Awesome lifestyle boutique. Check em’ out for yourself on first street in Little Tokyo. BOWLS.

Ordinary Craft for ordinary people.

Always a solid performance by Shane Kanoa!

Two of the hardest working girls @Little Tokyo Happy Hour.

The guys @Sakurai Grill always puts a smile on my face when they bring their spam musubi’s.

The guys behind the bar that make people very happy.

Little Tokyo Trouble Makers!